Entry into Guatemala was simple; a 90-day visa was issued for $1.50 each that covered four countries (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua) with a minimum of fuss. Our next mission was navigating the slightly unruly town of Tecun Uman - we needed to get to the bus terminal, which according to the local Tuk Tuk touts was a grueling walk of many kilometres (translation - a flat, simple walk of about 2km, or 15 minutes). The next challenge was getting the correct bus or minivan to our first destination in Guatemala, namely the town of Retalhuleu. The first touts insisted the mini-van was the best (translation - only) option; our guide book said otherwise. What is it about the very first person that rushes up in an attempt to 'assist' you?; almost without fail these are the guys trying to confuse you for the sole purpose of making some extra cash for themselves (in this case more than double the actual cost). Alia and I simply walked away from the tout in question and went to ask people whom we perceived at least would have no commercial interest in our trip (and therefore no reason to lie) - namely, a lady and man sitting nearby. Sure enough, they pointed us towards the bus sitting around the corner from us (the touts had purposefully guided us away from the bus area) - it was headed our way, and was rea
We had originally expected to get a 'Chicken Bus' from Tecun Uman to Retalhuhue - these are ex- yellow U.S. high school buses that now sport a profusion of obtuse colours on their wrinkled bodies and that are generally rammed full of humanity (three people to a two-person seat), and that stop for everyone and anything along the roadside. I'm not sure whether they still carry the chickens they are named after but it wouldn't surprise me if they did. These buses are cheap and great for short distances, not so much for hauls over a two hours in length. Our bus (see picture) though was an ex-coach, one that had certainly better days (during the Lyndon Johnson presidency perhaps) but that included much more leg room, less people (it's a bit more expensive than a Chicken Bus) and a quicker transit time (it only collected people at set stops). Well, it would have been quicker except for the military stop that led to the unloading of a vast amount of boxes from the bus' undercarriage. From what we could work out a man on the bus had failed to pay the appropriate import duty (or perhaps the GST?) on the goods in question, and as such the numerous boxes of household-type goods were being taken back by the government (ie. police). It's hard to argue with a bunch of guys carrying sub-machine guns yet our importer gave it a go. Suffice to say his boxes had as much chance of being returned sans-tax as we had of meeting David Beckham on the same bus.
The bus eventually continued its journey along the Carretera al Pacifico, one of the two main highways that run through Guatemala. Running along a flatter part of the country the Pacifico glides its way through a softly undulating scenery complete with farms and the odd small town. It was a prettier place than I had expected; trees were abundant, towns and urbanisation happily less frequent, and the views of the highlands to our east impressive.
Visiting Retalhuleu, population 42,000, was less to do with tourism and more to do with getting settled in our new country. Ther
Getting to our next destination of San Pedro la Laguna, on Lake Atilan, was simple enough. Catch a Guatemala City-bound bus further east along the Carretera al Pacifico until you reach the junction with Highway 11, and then see what heads in the direction of Lake Atilan. Sure enough, it was really that simple. Not that I understood one word of what a few guys at the local bus station said when I asked them how to get to San Pedro. Two different guys pointed to two different buses. So we took the one that looked better to travel in - another coach rather than a chicken bus (we had caught a chicken bus the day before to get to Abaj Takalik, so we weren't avoiding them altogether). The driver, a nice bloke who looked like he enjoyed a taco or ten each evening for dinner, all washed down with a liter or three of beer (yep, a man after my own heart), ensured we got off at the correct intersection an hour and a half later. A few minutes after that and we were on a chicken bus headed for Santiago Atilan, a town located just a short boat ride from our final destination of San Pedro. Upwards into the Guatemalan highlands we went, we and the seemingly hundreds of other locals who travelled at least some part of the journey with us. The air cooled, the mountains grew, and the foilage thickened.
Catching a chicken bus is simple but it may help to know the following; it may or not come to a complete stop where you're meant to board so its best to be ready to literally force your way on when it's moving at its slowest; squeeze your way as far back as you can so as to minimize the vast number of passengers who will need to pass you as they're getting on or off; two people on a seat is never enough, there's always room for one more no matter how generous one's girth is; finally, two guys generally run the show - one drives - well, cajoles and coerces are better decriptions - the bus, while the other keeps mental tabs on who has paid and who hasn't (people board first and pay later)...this is the guy you would take to Vegas with you to help count cards. What a memory.
We arrived at Sa
The banana-bread ladies strike again.
Apart from our time at Spanish school, which entails four hours of one-on-one tuition each day(Alia is pictured here with her teacher) under thatched-roofed huts in a wonderful outdoor setting, we have managed to learn some salsa and hike up 1,500 metres (3,000 metres return) to the top of Volcan San Pedro. The latter was a killer, a 7-hour hike that left our jaded legs begging for some serious deep tissue manipulation. The view though was worth every againising step, as per the image below (of Santiago Atilan).
Alas, our fatigued legs were quickly called back into action by a Cuban salsa beat; our school put on a free group lesson in salsa last night, so off we went. Of course, I wanted to ensure I gave it my all, so on went the dancing (hiking) shoes, tight black trousers, gold chains and white shirt (casually) unbuttoned to my navel (yes, it's amazing what I can fit into my small backpack)...and off I went. Memories of my (in)famous Stags two-step - honed after many a night on the dancefloor (nee carpet) of Auburn RSL's once ritzy nightclub - came flooding back. One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three...yes, on
OK, back to reality now. We depart San Pedro this Saturday for the colonial town of Antigua. After that, it's an overnight bus to Flores, a town located not too far from the Mayan ruins of Tikal, and then off to Guatemala's Caribbean coast near Livingston. Until then, all the best to you, and thanks for reading.
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